Monday, 27 January 2014

Just to start... A secret from Loch Ness

I love sewing...

If I could find a way to sew and earn a good living and also get to do my drama teaching and have time to read and spend a bit of time with my family and friends I would.

Unfortunately the boring bits of life get in the way and my ideas box is overflowing with pages torn out of various craft magazines - many of which will lay dormant for many years to come.

When I first bought my sewing machine (with money from my 27th birthday) it was exciting and a moment of epiphany for me. I could create clothes and homewares all by myself. I felt enlightened.

My mother was possibly the most surprised by my revelation as she had always claimed that sewing was not something she did other than the odd button or name tag when I was young. My great grandfather designed and sewed costumes for the Atila girls appreantly. One day I will follow up this fact as it would certainly mean that sewing and being creative is truly in my blood.

My mother gave me a set of patterns that her Nanny had given to her before she died. They are called 'Silver Needles' and were published in the 1970s. The collection includes children's, men's and women's clothes, home sewing projects and a stack of crochet and knitting projects too. If anyone can give me any more information I would be very grateful.

The first project I tried was a felt Loch Ness Monster. As a kid I loved tales of the unexplained and it seemed a quick project that could while away a couple of hours of an evening. As it was made of felt the fabric was not going to fray. I also didn't have any proper stuffing so used polystrene balls instead to stuff him.

Here is the finished result:

I was pleased. So pleased that I put him on sale on etsy but as to this day no one has bought him so he spends his day in our bedroom on another bookcase! 

If you are interested in buying one please check out my etsy shop... I will custom make one for you as I don't think I could bare to part with the original. If you want the pattern or want me to post it just let me know. 

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